PROMISE Participatory Medicine module  

After successfully completing the first module, our students have now enthusiastically completed the second module - Participatory medicine module! We are proud of our 51 students who successfully completed the second module and won the open badge.


Module description: In this module, students learned why and how patients and community can be included in research and healthcare in line with RRI principles. 

After the module, students are trained to:

  • List different levels of public engagement in health care and health sciences research
  • Organise information in a form of a database of stakeholders in P4 medicine
  • Communicate effectively in multi-disciplinary academic environments
  • Develop dissemination strategy taking into account different stakeholders (e.g. patient, politician, medical doctor, potential mentor, colleague…) 
  • Examine the importance of maintaining and managing well-being of patient/consumer/stakeholder, rather than being focused only on treating the health condition.

Student impressions:

  1. "The module is very well constructed. I learned a lot and managed to get to know my peers during the group assignment that lasted during the whole module. I found everything interesting and useful."
  2. "Thank you for organising this module! I found it interesting, especially from the perspective of improving my communication and organisation skills. I appreciated learning about stakeholder analysis and the practical methods of event organisation. I didn't find the workload too overwhelming, and every activity seemed well justified in the context of the module.Thanks once again, and well done!"
  3. "I liked this course. It was a lot of work but interesting and useful for the future."
  4. "I enjoyed working with peers from other countries and I believe the group tasks were very well designed strategically to help us interact with other participants, within the general obstacles."
  5. "I think working in a group was a good idea, but not the entire time."